Have you ever reflected on your life? Have you ever taken
inventory on how well you sleep, eat, how much exercise you
receive? Do you ever think about the chemicals that you are
lathering on your skin or what you are environmentally exposed
to daily. I know you are saying, that’s just too much. I agree,
that is a lot, but you must ask yourself, how valuable are you?
Do you deserve a lifetime of wellness, or do you want to
continue tolerating, feeling ok and suffering through. Do you
want to keep telling yourself that this is normal, or you are just
getting older. Unfortunately, we have adopted this fast food
and microwave society, so our patience for things especially our
health, is not as great as it should be. When we are feeling bad
or something is troubling us, we want to feel better quick, so
we will do whatever, whenever, just to get relief. Did you ever
think to yourself that my everyday choices are costing me?
Well, you should because with the current state of our health
care system and the constant desire for a quick answer to solve
some of the most complex problems will cost us. However, you
should be the one to choose what you want to pay for. For
instance, do you want to pay for healthy whole foods options, a
gym membership, a monthly vacation, massage therapy, or
time with friends, or do you want to pay the pharmaceutical
industry for the metformin and statin drugs prescribed by your
doctor or for a hospital bed because your chronic disease is
causing multi-system organ failure. Remember, you can pay
now, or you can pay later, but you are going to pay. This day,
choose life, choose you!
I challenge all of you to think of a time that you were the
happiest and the healthiest. Was it at age 15, 25, 35, or even
45? If you are suffering from any chronic illness such as
hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disease or even arthritis, when
did these things start and what changed in your life? Ask
yourself how did I get here, and what did I do to contribute to
this health outcome? I challenge you to think of your worth.
Start investing in yourself today. Remember, you have one life,
so start living it. I challenge you to start make healthy and
sustainable choices this new year.